3 letter words

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble.
Definitions: Guess the 3-letter words.
1. Throw or kick something high into the air in an arc - (begins with L . . )
2. Carry or haul something cumbersome with difficulty, for example a suitcase - (begins with L . . )
3. A tiny sharp bite, for example from a crab; a small measure of alcohol - (begins with N . . )
4. A mat or carpet - (R . . )
5. A small piece of cloth used for cleaning - (R . . )
6. A colloquial word for a short sleep - (K . . )
7. A small lie - (F . . )
8. The milky liquid that circulates through a plant to keep it alive - (S . . )

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