If a pipe is leaking in your house, you normally call ...
- a plumber
- an electrician
- a bloke
If a hole appears in a water pipe in your house, it's called a ...
- burst
- leak
- flow
If you call a plumber to repair your gas boiler in the UK, he has to be ... registered. - this is important!
- Corgi
- Rat
- Plumber.com
If you have various small repair jobs to do around the house, you may call a ... (2 answers)
If a knife isn't sharp it is ...
- blunt
- flat
- curled
If you need a sharp knife and yours isn't sharp enough, what do you do? You ... it
- slice
- tone
- sharpen
What do you call the glass in your window? A ... of glass.
- pane
- sliver
- square
To put a screw into a piece of wood, what tool would you use?
- pliers
- a spanner
- a screwdriver
To knock a nail into a piece of wood the tool you use is a ...
- screwdriver
- hammer
- crossbow
To hammer a wooden peg into a hole in a piece of wood, the tool you normally use is a ...
- hammer
- grenade
- mallet
What is a hammer normally used for? To hammer in ... .
- a head
- a nail
- an idea
If you have to change a pane of glass in your window, you call a ...
- glazier
- glasser
- pannier
If the outside of one of your house walls is not insulated properly against water, the inside wall will become ...
- cloggy
- damp
- mossy
If wood decays because of lack of ventilation, it is called ...
- dry rot
- moistwood
- waterlogged
A pane of glass fits into a ... -frame
- widow
- pane
- window
If a house's front door has no bell, you'll probably use the door-..., which is in the centre of the door and used manually.
- knocker
- ringer
- handle
To make a hole through a piece of metal or wood, a ... is normally used.
- grinder
- drill
- screwdriver
If you want to work on an object on a work-bench and hold it firm, you use a ... (choose more than 1 answer)
You use padding or cladding round a boiler to ... it against heat-loss
- seal
- insulate
- close
To stop electrical wires from short-circuiting you may use ... tape.
- insulation
- Scotch
- recording
To stop leaks, draughts, or any form of leakage, you use ... tape or any ... .
- insulator
- warmer
- sealant
... is sticky and sticks things together. (not glue)
- adhesive
- goo
- mixer
You use ... to stick things together. It usually comes in a tube. (not adhesive)
- glue
- hard fixer
- pasty
A ... is used to check to see if a surface is level or flat. (2 answers)
To make wood smooth after cutting it you use ... .
- sandpaper
- a vice
- an arse
To make the surface of wood smooth after cutting it you use a tool called a ... .
- smooth-plant
- smoother
- plane
If there is a hole in a wooden or other surface you can fill it by buying a tube of ...
- plasticide
- filler
- blocker
After you place tiles on a wall or floor, you put some sealant between them to waterproof or fix them. This is called "to ..."
- grout
- grouch
- growl
... is what you do to seal the spaces between tiles in a bathroom, for example.
- grouting
- cladding
- proofer
When painting you may use ...-tape to cover areas you want to protect from the paint.
- sealing
- insulating
- masking