Idioms with DROP (e.g: drop dead!)
Choose the response nearest in meaning to the prompt. Only one is correct'b>
Drop me a line
- Mail me your secret thoughts on a subject
- Post me some cocaine
- Send me a letter
He dropped a clanger
- He said something that no one understood
- He said something without thinking, that caused embarrassment
- He said something that everyone suddenly stopped to listen to
She always does it at the drop of a hat
- She always does it easily
- She always does it with difficulty
- She always does it because it's important
The girl was drop-dead gorgeous
- She was extremely boring
- She was very interesting
- She was breathtakingly beautiful
It was a drop in the ocean
- It was a rescue attempt out at sea
- It was an important announcement to everyone
- It was too small a quantity to be significant
She was fit to drop
- She was worn out
- She was ready to jump
- She was healthy and ready to respond
He dropped her like a hot potato
- He jilted her without hesitation
- He threw her into the vegetable patch
- He refused to marry her
You could have heard a pin drop
- You were relaxing and starting to doze off
- There was total silence
- You listened to discover the source of the noise
Drop dead!
- Fall asleep because of being exhausted
- No way I'll do it or accept it!
- I'd prefer you not to concern yourself with my problems.
He dropped a bombshell
- He farted
- He planted an explosive device
- He said something that surprised everyone