Advanced Level!
Match the first part of the expression to the correct second part.
I love this music. It's very easy...
- on the nose
- on the ear.
- on the ears
That girl is very chic. Very easy...
- on the eye.
- on the eyes
- in the vision
Don't get so upset. You have to learn to...
- take it easy
- keep it easy
- sell it easy
"I'll bet you can't climb up that cliff face!" - Yes, I can! It's as easy as...
- eating chocolate cake.
- climbing up a cliff.
- falling off a log.
It's as easy...
- as English grammar
- as pie
- as A to Z
"I won the lottery, then spent all the money!" - Well, it's easy...
- as a hard bolied egg.
- come, easy go.
- up, easy down
He was a very good manager. Now he's gone. He'll certainly be a hard...
- nut to crack
- act to follow
- master to replace
I know you've proposed to Mary three times, but son't worry - she's just playing hard...
- and soft
- eggs
- to get
Thank you for your business proposal. I shall have to look...
- long and hard at it
- hard into it
- hard and long at it
If I divorce my wife she'll tell the police that I robbed the bank. If I don't divorce her, my girlfriend will leave me!
- I'm up to a hard choice..
- I'm taken for a hard ride.
- I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.