Idioms with UNDER
Only ONE. answer is correct
He was underhanded means that ...
- he played cricket well
- he was dishonest
- he sold things illegally
He was under the weather
- he felt drunk
- he felt ill
- he felt sad
He got underway
- he started his journey
- he stopped while travelling
- he completed his journey
He knuckled under
- he bowed to pressure
- he used his fists
- he was arrogant
It was under the counter
- it was offered in good faith
- it was found on the floor
- it was sold illegally
She was under his skin
- she was obsessed with him
- he was obsessed with her
- they were obsessed
She was under his thumb
- she was obsessed by him
- she was in love with him
- she was dominated by him
She was snowed under with . . .
- the weather.
- work
- love.
He did it . . .
- under pain of death
- under a cloud.
- under wraps
He took her under his wing means . . .
- he flew away with her
- he looked after her
- he dominated her
It's water under the bridge
- it was something in the past, now best forgotten
- It is a weir
- it was a happy memory
He travelled under . . .
- the hammer
- his own steam
- an umbrella